Thursday, May 3, 2007

It is what It Is

It is what it is

That's what we say. Its how we live without the regrets and how we learn to live with acceptance.

if it really is what it is. . . why is it when I do accept the status quo for what it is and let it all go I begin to be told that it isn't what it is?

How can someone who barely knows me and my life know exactly what it is? Yes as he insists to tell people how it goes I begin to once again wonder if its really so. I've been told it is more than I think, more than I feel. I've been told how it is and they end up being right.

So I'm leaving it at that - it is what it is. I'll say it again. I'll amuse myself and friends with the phrase. And what is meant to be will be what it truly is regardless of what they all say.

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